The Florida Head Start Association Announces Its Newest Elected Member to the Board of Directors
Tallahassee, FL., June 3, 2021 - The Florida Head Start Association (FHSA) is pleased to announce the newest member to the FHSA Board of Directors: Bob Bialas. Elections were held on May 21 - June 1 to fill the open Director At Large board seat left vacant after the resignation of Mr. Angel Maldonado. Mr. Bialas will serve out his remaining term with an option to continue to serve in this seat for an additional two more years should he so desire.
The membership elects directors from a slate of self-nominations on which members of the association vote.
Mr. Bialas joins a thirteen-member board working to advance FHSA mission to enhance and support the capability of local Head Start programs in the delivery of high-quality services for Florida's most vulnerable children and families.
We are happy to announce the newest addition to the FHSA Board of Directors and are excited for his leadership and expertise he will bring in helping to lead the association.
 Bob Bialas, Executive Vice President of Children & Head Start Services
Lutheran Services of Florida
Why do you want to serve on the FHSA Board of Directors?
I have 29 years of federal and non-profit Head Start experience. I have worked on American Indian and Alaska Native Nations, I have served as the RPM for both Region XI and IV, and now I serve over 5300 children and families in our state of Florida. I believe I have the ability, knowledge, and background to help FHSA and all of our Head Start grantees in Florida. I want to serve, educate and advance each program equally to improve the quality of services we provide to all we serve. I can work with all on the Board to improve the progress we have made in Florida. Truly I want to help all of us.
What skills and talents would you bring to the FHSA Board of Directors?
I have the federal and the program (LSF) knowledge to help our Board. I am knowledgeable of how OHS works and how we can help influence change. I am a team player. I believe each grantee should have the knowledge to improve the quality of service each one of us provides to our children and families.