Letter from FHSA Executive Director
I certainly hope everyone had a safe and healthy 4th of July holiday, and you were able to take time off to relax and recharge your batteries. As we continue to distance ourselves from one another physically, please remember we are not disconnected. FHSA is here for you. I enjoy keeping our members connected and helping you navigate these challenging times. As programs begin the process of reopening their centers and thinking about reopening, please let me know how FHSA can help you through the process. FHSA will host a Directors Affiliate Group virtual meeting next Monday, July 13, at 10:30 a.m. Please watch your inbox for registration details and schedule. In this meeting, we will discuss the reopening phase, sharing information, ideas, challenges, and solutions with your colleagues.
In my conversations over the last few weeks with Directors, I consistently heard the desire for some assistance with Pre-Service Training. FHSA has partnered with Teachstone to provide members with some virtual training focusing on two essential areas, trauma-informed care, and CLASS. Sign up is only $79 for more information about this training click here. FHSA is also working to bring more virtual training options, so stay tuned for more details.
FHSA had the honor to host a virtual Hill Day event in partnership with NHSA. Dr. Maite Riestra-Quintero, Assistant Director of Early Childhood Programs - Head Start and Early Head Start Division, Miami-Dade Community Action and Human Services Department, along with her team and parent and Mrs. Angela Porterfield, Director, Early Childhood Programs, Pasco County Schools and myself joined the meeting. We met with thirteen congressional staffers to discuss how programs are responding during COVID-19 and how they continue meeting the needs of children and families in our state. We also discussed plans on reopening their programs and potential barriers. Programs shared their success and challenges moving forward and raising awareness of how vital having Congresses continued support will be of Head Start as we maneuver the COVID-19 pandemic.
It's award season here at FHSA. You should have received communications regarding our annual awards program. The program kicked off June 15 and runs through July 20. Make sure to get your nominations in before the July 20 deadline. Visit here for more information.
As we look towards reopening our programs and school starting in August, I encourage you to reach out to me if you need anything, even if it's just saying hello or you need an ear. I am here for you!
In partnership,
Wanda Minick Executive Director FHSA
Updates from the Office of Head Start 
ICYMI: OHS VLOG on COVID 19 – Dr. B, joined by Sangeeta Parikshak, mental health lead at the Office of Head Start, Helping Children Thrive During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Head Start Transportation Services and Vehicles During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Implementing safe practices is essential when providing transportation services during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Review the steps Head Start programs should take to reduce the risk for children and staff. Review ACF-IM-HS-20-04.
Grant Opportunities
Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grants - Estimated Due Date: Aug 09, 2020
Migrant and Seasonal Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grants- Estimated Due Date: Aug 09, 2020
Updates from the Office of Early Learning

July 6, 2020: FDOE Order No. 2020-EO-06 - Reopening K-12 Schools (PDF)
July 6, 2020 - 2020-EO-06: Further Guidance for Closing Achievement Gaps and Creating Safe Spaces for Learning - Slide Deck (PDF) | Webinar Recording
June 30, 2020 - Updates to the GEER Summer Recovery and ESSER CARES Act Grants - Slide Deck (PDF) | Webinar Recording
June 22, 2020 - Rising Kindergarten Summer Program Workgroup -Webinar Recording
June 18, 2020 - Coalition and School District Rising Kindergarten Program 2020 Conference Call (CARES) - Slide Deck (PDF) | Webinar
FHSA and Teachstone Teacher Summit 
FHSA and Teachsone have partnered to bring the Florida Head Start community Teachers virtual training classes to assist you with your Pre-Service training needs.
This virtual training will focus on trauma-informed care and CLASS for the novice to the expert level. Teachstone is offering these classes for only $79. Proceeds from the purchase of these classes come back to FHSA to help support our mission. When registering, please use FLHSA code at checkout. To view flyer, click here. To view the training schedule, click here.
If you need to register 10 or more from your agency, use this google document here for a faster checkout process. Once completed, send it to [email protected] along with your PO to get registered!
Questions? Contact FHSA at (850) 694-6477 or email [email protected].
What's Happening Around the State
On June 29, Governor Ron DeSantis signed Florida's $92.2 billion budget for FY20/21 into law. Before signing the budget into law, he vetoed $1 billion of budget line items in response to the economic impact of the coronavirus on the state of Florida. Click here to read the press release, and the Governor's summary can be found here.
Here is a list of Bills signed into law last week that we were following during the 2020 Florida Legislative Session:
- SB 1326 - Child Welfare
- SB 1292 - Public Records/Nonjudicial Arrest Record of a Minor
- HB 945 - Children's Mental Health
- HB 1105 - Child Welfare
- SB 156 - Early Childhood Music Education Incentive Pilot Program
- SB 70 - Alert Systems in Public Schools
Early Head Start program working around digital divide
Three months into COVID- 19 pandemic, businesses, organizations, and individuals have sought to bridge the gaps in daily life with technology.
But for the staff at the Early Head Start program in the Center for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy at Florida State University, technology isn't a cure-all. Instead, it's laid bare the digital divide that exists amongst the state's most needy. Click to read the article in its entirety.
FIS awards $100,000 for Head Start programs
Fidelity National Information Systems awarded a $100,000 grant to Lutheran Services Florida to updated technology for the Head Start and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership program in Duval County.
The FIS Foundation made the grant in 2019; the foundation provided nearly $1.2 million in annual donations to charitable organizations aligned with the company's giving priorities, according to a news release. Click here to read the article in its entirety.
Children First Awarded $50,000 Grant From the McCune Family Foundation
The McCune Family Foundation has awarded Children First a $50,000 grant to provide scholarships for Sarasota County's most economically vulnerable children. This grant will aid the agency in continuing to provide access to comprehensive care and education. Since 2017, the McCune Family Foundation has granted $180,000 to Children First through support of the agency's Raise Your Hand Campaign and comprehensive services for children and families. Click here to read the article in its entirety.
Simply Healthcare Plans, Inc. is dedicated to serving those enrolled in Medicaid, Florida Healthy Kids, and their specialty plans for those living with HIV/AIDS. The past few months have brought unprecedented challenges, but their commitment to their members and the community has not changed. Along with help from partners, Simply Healthcare Plans, Inc. has provided consistent help through food distributions, diapers drives, donations, and worker appreciations.

In May, they provided lunch from a local restaurant to the first responders at the Miami Fire Rescue Station 10 as a small token of appreciation for the work they have been doing to keep our communities safe.
Click here to read the article in its entirety.
It's Awards Season
Time to recognize the achievements and put the spotlight on the outstanding and vital work of the Head Start and Early Head Start employees, parents, alumni, volunteers, and community partners.
Each year, FHSA partners with the Region IV Head Start Association and the National Head Start Association to honor achievements through its annual awards program. FHSA will be accepting nominations through July 20, 2020. To learn more about this program and the awards we will recognize this year; please visit our website here.
Updates from NHSA 
Registration is active to attend NHSA Manager and Director Academy July 20-23, 2020. Attendees can expect this virtual conference to explore the fundamental issues of running and leading a successful early childhood program, as well as discussions revolving around all of the unique difficulties and challenges programs are presently facing.
This year's Academy will also feature a new format of three concurrent breakout sessions, and recordings will be made available for 30 days after the event, so you don't miss anything.
Registration Rates: group discount available
- NHSA Members $489.00
- Non-NHSA Members $599.00
For more details about this event, please visit the NHSA event website.
Employment Opportunities
Disability Services Specialist | Mid Florida Community Services, Inc. Brooksville
Head Start Director for Pinellas Head Start | Lutheran Services Florida, Largo
Behavior Intervention Specialist | Episcopal Children's Services
>>> See More Job Openings
Don't forget to fill out the #2020Census! Florida lost out on $20 Billion from 2010-2020 due to census undercounting. Healthcare, education, transportation, and housing; strategic planning for private and public organizations and representation depend on an accurate count.
