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Understanding Trauma in an Early Childhood Context
Thursday, April 09, 2020, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Category: Other conferences and events

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Join us for a live webinar to address your questions, comments, and concerns regarding the Promoting Empathy, Understanding Trauma video series. Dr. Sangeeta Parikshak, social science analyst at OHS, will be joined by experts in the field to respond to your questions and discuss implications.

#HeadStartHeals Campaign

Find more trauma resources and strategies through OHS's #HeadStartHeals campaign. Program managers can use these resources to design quality improvements for their programs. Direct service staff can use promoted strategies to assist the children and families they serve. In the coming weeks, we will discuss:

The intersection of substance use disorder and trauma and how Head Start programs can help
Understanding trauma-informed care in high needs communities and in classroom settings
Trauma and adult mental health

Additional Resources

Recognizing and Addressing Trauma in Infants, Young Children, and Their Families
This training module can help Head Start and Early Head Start staff understand what is meant by trauma and recognize its developmental context in early childhood. It can be used to extend their own knowledge for intervention through consultation.

Contact: Office of Head Start (OHS) | 1-866-763-6481