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Community Engagement Webinar Series: Community Partnerships with Child Welfare
Tuesday, June 02, 2020, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EST
Category: Other conferences and events

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Head Start and Early Head Start programs engage in collaborations with community partners, including child welfare agencies that support families during some of their most challenging times. These partnerships work best when there is a clear, shared vision and purpose, strong leadership support, thoughtful planning and communication, and consistent engagement of each partner over time.

In this final webinar, learn how early childhood programs and child welfare agencies can work together to protect children and strengthen families. Explore the role of Head Start and Early Head Start programs as vital partners in establishing and maintaining stability for children at the beginning, during, and after involvement with child welfare agencies.

Topics for the webinar include:

  • Discussing how the Head Start Program Performance Standards and the Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Framework help strengthen opportunities for collaborative partnerships with child welfare agencies
  • Examining four key action steps for planning with community child welfare agencies
  • Providing language and approaches for navigating sensitive conversations with families involved with child welfare agencies
  • Highlighting exemplary practices for coordinating outreach and working with state and community providers serving families involved with child welfare agencies

Target Audience

  • Head Start and Early Head Start directors, managers, staff, and parent leaders
  • T/TA providers
  • Other early childhood leaders who support child and family progress

Contact: NCPFCE at [email protected] or (toll-free) 855-208-0909