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Home Visiting Series: Behavior Has Meaning
Wednesday, April 08, 2020, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
Category: Other conferences and events

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Children communicate through their behaviors before they can express their feelings verbally. In this webinar, explore how infants, toddlers, and preschoolers use behavior to communicate their needs, intentions, and emotions, and how adults can effectively respond. Learn about strategies and resources that home visitors can use to support parents as they understand their children’s behavior while supporting their learning in the home.

Topics for the webinar include:

  • Ways that children use behavior to communicate their needs
  • The components of behavior:
  • Form: the behavior children use to communicate
  • Function: the meaning of the behavior
  • Strategies and resources to support parents’ understanding and response to their child’s behavior

Target Audience

  • Program directors
  • Education managers
  • Home visitors and their supervisors
  • Regional T/TA staff who support home visiting programs and home-based program staff

Contact: NCECDTL at [email protected] or (toll-free) 844-261-3752