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Promoting Healing and Resilience with Staff and Families
Tuesday, May 05, 2020, 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM EDT
Category: Other conferences and events

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When families and staff experience traumatic events, their development, relationships, and well-being can be affected. Being informed about trauma can lead to increases in insight and empathy about the way that trauma impacts individuals. Improved empathy amongst co-workers and between staff and families can lead to the kinds of relationships that promote healing environments for children and families. When staff and families know they are understood, they can be more responsive to feedback, engagement, and support.

Join the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (NCPFCE) for a facilitated discussion around trauma. Discover ideas and strategies for creating trauma-informed and healing-centered interactions before, during, and after traumatic events. Participate in a question and answer (Q&A) session at the end of the webinar.

Topics for the webinar include:

  • Exploring foundational concepts related to trauma and its impact on adult relationships and well-being
  • Examining what trauma-based reactions might look like in adults affected by traumatic experiences
  • Using elements from the PFCE Framework to assess current trauma-informed practices and generate ideas for continuous quality improvement

Target Audience

  • Head Start and Early Head Start directors, managers, staff, and parent leaders
  • T/TA providers
  • Other early childhood leaders who support child and family progress

Contact: Office of Head Start (OHS) https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov | 1-866-763-6481